Companies seeking to cash in on the Facebook fever should seriously consider launching a Facebook application that can propel their businesses into further success.

Everyone is on Facebook these days. Therefore, it makes good marketing sense for any company that wants to remain competitive to seriously consider utilizing a Facebook application as an integral part of their marketing plan. Facebook applications are not just for fun—They are for profit, too. Enterprising individuals know that these apps can be effective tools in promoting businesses. There are several advantages of including Facebook app development in a company's marketing arsenal.

One of the benefits of marketing with a Facebook app is brand awareness. The influence that Facebook has with the general public is huge, since it boasts nearly a billion users. Therefore, using a Facebook app can help to build awareness among a large amount of potential customers.

Another advantage of using a Facebook app for marketing is the fact that it can be used as a promotional tool. Use the app for conducting contests, announcing events, and promoting all manner of customer interaction with global exposure. Entice consumers to become engaged with your company, its products, and its services.

Web traffic is particularly important for any business these days, especially those that have realized the value of having an online presence with their own website. A Facebook app can serve as a portal for driving web traffic to your company's website. Your company’s website can receive substantial web traffic with a Facebook app—This translates to introducing new customers to your website who may have never found your website without a Facebook introduction. Of course, increasing traffic to your website increases your company’s reputation and search rankings.

Your Facebook app also enables your company to collect leads for potential clients, and to build and strengthen relationships with existing clients. This bolsters your company’s reputation, in addition to helping your company retain and grow its customer base. Having a Facebook presence significantly improves a company's reputation by leaps and bounds.

Facebook is perhaps the largest social media website today. Using a Facebook app for your company or a specific brand will introduce it to the millions of users who access Facebook on a daily basis. The viral effect that a social media app can generate for a company will make your company even more popular and recognizable to its target markets, too.

To learn more about Facebook app development for your company, visit