Showing Tag: "apps" (Show all posts)

How to Find the Best Facebook Apps Developer

Posted by davidjaven davidjaven on Thursday, January 10, 2013, In : facebook apps developers 

Companies are jumping onto the Facebook bandwagon by driving traffic to their websites using Facebook applications or “apps.” Facebook, as the most popular social network today, provides companies with a great platform for reaching out to existing clients, introducing themselves to potential customers, and enhancing their brand reputation.

As companies rush to launch their Facebook apps, there's also a noticeable increase in the number of Facebook apps developers online. Companies may ha...

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Integrate Facebook Apps into Your Marketing Efforts for Massive Benefits

Posted by davidjaven davidjaven on Thursday, August 9, 2012, In : facebook apps developers 

If you’re searching for effective strategies to expand your company’s marketing efforts, then perhaps it’s time to consider the numerous benefits that exist for brands expanding through social media. Today, one of the most effective forms of reach is through the development of facebook apps for higher audience engagement and retention.

Facebook application development, when done well, offers extended branding, customer engagement, and lead generation. This marketing tactic also deliver...

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