Companies are jumping onto the Facebook bandwagon by driving traffic to their websites using Facebook applications or “apps.” Facebook, as the most popular social network today, provides companies with a great platform for reaching out to existing clients, introducing themselves to potential customers, and enhancing their brand reputation.

As companies rush to launch their Facebook apps, there's also a noticeable increase in the number of Facebook apps developers online. Companies may have many choices in selecting a Facebook apps developer for to reach Facebook users, but not all developers are the same when it comes to their experience and fees. When evaluating a Facebook developer—whether a small or a large Facebook application development company—your company should consider the following litmus test.

First of all, the best Facebook application developer is aware of all of the current techniques of getting around in social media. As such, your developer should be able to create custom apps that are not just interesting, but also user-friendly. “Cool” apps that are easy to use are sure to attract visitors to your company's Facebook profile page and to your company’s website.

Any leading Facebook application development company should also be familiar with the rules and privacy policies of this social media giant. The firm or developer must be able to work and develop apps that will work and can be updated according to the constantly changing policies and limitations of Facebook. Some applications may not function on this social media network if they are incompatible with the rules set by Facebook. The Facebook app that will be added to the company's profile should also be in sync with other features of the network.

Your company should also check to determine that the developer is professional and can fulfill your requirements. Companies have different business needs, and the app developer should be able to answer and address these needs accordingly.

Of course, any company that is interested in hiring an apps developer should determine their budget for Facebook marketing. The amount of money that your company can allocate towards the services of a Facebook application development company determines the level of expertise and proficiency of the developer.

These are just a few of the characteristics to look for in the perfect Facebook app developer for your company. To discover more, visit, the social media development team that gets your custom Facebook app project done right the first time.